The Best Maintenance Tips for Persian Rugs

Whether it’s a family heirloom or a new purchase, Persian rugs are delicate works of art that, with a little bit of extra care, can last for generations. With the right care, they can last for years to come. Luckily, it’s easy to keep your rug clean with these simple tips. Just follow these 5 best maintenance tips for Persian rugs:

1. Vacuum Regularly

Persian rugs are gorgeous pieces of art that add beauty and elegance to any space. However, they also require proper maintenance to keep them looking their best and lasting as long as possible.

One of the most important things you can do for your rug is to vacuum it regularly, on both sides, to remove as much dirt and debris as possible from deep within the fibers. By following this easy step, you can reduce dirt buildup that can cause your rug to become dingy or dull over time.

In addition to vacuuming, it’s also a good idea to blot any spills or stains on your Persian rug as soon as you notice them. In this way, you can prevent the liquid from seeping into and staining the fibers of your rug, which can be very difficult to reverse once it’s done.

If you do have a large spill or stain, it’s a good idea to use a combination of water and mild detergent (or white vinegar in the case of urine) on the affected area to clean it. Make sure to test the solution on an inconspicuous area of your rug before applying it to the rest of the surface.

Another thing to consider is placing padding underneath your rug, which can help to protect it from the bottom of your furniture and reduce wrinkling. It’s also a good idea to keep your rug out of direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can fade the colors over time and cause your rug to look dull and lifeless.

2. Take Care of Spills

If you have a spill on your Persian rug, it’s important to blot it immediately before it has time to set in. You can also use a spot cleaner on your carpet but be sure to test it first on an inconspicuous area of the rug, as some chemicals could damage the delicate fibers. Always follow the instructions on the bottle, and don’t rub the stain since this can make it worse.

While it is okay to do this with other types of rugs, Persian rugs are especially delicate and need special care. If you don’t know how to properly clean a Persian rug, it’s always best to contact a professional who specializes in Persian rug cleaning and repair. Hagop Manoyan is one of the top leaders who deliver rug maintenance services. 

Another thing that people often do wrong when they care for their rugs is hanging them to dry. This is a bad idea, as the weight of a wet rug can cause it to stretch and distort in ways that aren’t easily fixable.

Another big mistake that people make with their Persian rugs is placing them in areas where they are constantly exposed to the sun. The sun’s UV rays can bleach almost any dyed material, including your rug. This will make the colors fade over time and leave your rug looking dull and patchy. Using sheers or curtains or having your windows tinted to filter out the sun’s UV rays will help prevent this from happening to your Persian rug.

3. Wash Your Rug by Hand

A rug’s natural fibers can hold onto a lot of dirt. Regular vacuuming helps to loosen and remove it, but it is important to give your rug a thorough hand washing at least twice a year.

If you don’t wash your rug properly, it can develop mildew or mold and attract insects. It’s best to avoid using detergents or chemical detergents since they can harm natural fibers and weaken the colors of your Persian rugs. The harsh cleaners can strip the rug’s natural oils, causing it to be more vulnerable to damage and reducing its lifespan. They can also deteriorate the colors to fade or bleed, altering the rug’s appearance.

When you do hand wash your rug, be sure to thoroughly rinse it out. It is also best to hang it up to dry instead of using a dryer, as the heat and light can bleach almost anything dyed.

Some uniform fading over time is natural and can actually help give your rug its unique, antique look. However, constant exposure to sunlight can cause excessive fading that will make your rug look old and worn. The sun’s UV rays can bleach almost any dyed material, including your rug. This will make the colors fade over time and leave your rug looking dull and patchy. Using sheers or curtains or having your windows tinted to filter out the sun’s UV rays will help prevent this from happening to your Persian rug.

If you do have to put your rug in the sun to dry, be sure to hang it up far away from the windows. Otherwise, the sun will be beating down on it and bleaching out its beautiful colors over time. It is best to place padding underneath your rug, too, as this will protect its shape and prevent a build-up of debris on the underside. It will also reduce wrinkling and keep your furniture from leaving marks or imprints on your Persian rug.

4. Place Your Furniture Away from the Edges

A hand-knotted Persian rug is more than a floor covering, it’s an intricate piece of artwork that deserves proper care. A few simple tips will ensure that its rich colors and detailed patterns stand up to everyday wear and tear.

Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the carpet. This can cause abrasion and weaken the fibers. Instead, blot spills and stains with a clean cloth. If you’re unable to remove the stain, contact a professional like Hagop Manoyan. Rubbing or scrubbing a Persian rug can cause the fibers to fray or break, leading to visible damage and a shorter lifespan for the rug. It’s best to use a gentle blotting motion to remove any spills or stains.

Do not use strong or commercial carpet cleaners on Persian rugs. These chemicals are too harsh and can damage the delicate, natural fibers of these beautiful rugs. They can strip the rug’s natural oils, increasing its vulnerability to damage and reducing its lifespan.

They can also lead to colors fading or bleeding, altering the rug’s appearance. Instead, test your rug on a small area of the rug before using a cleaning product. You can also treat stains with a mixture of warm water and vinegar or a little baking soda.

If a rug stays wet for too long, it can become mildewed and eventually rot. This can give rise to a foul odor, as well as visible damage to the rug’s fibers. To prevent this, it’s a good idea to air the rug out twice a year. This will reduce moisture build-up and dissipate odors. If your rug does get wet, it’s important to dry it as quickly as possible to prevent these issues.

Persian rugs that are kept in front of direct sunlight can suffer from excessive fading. This results in a muting of the colors and can be very noticeable on certain areas of the rug. To reduce this, consider closing the curtains or having your windows treated to eliminate UV rays. If your rug is in a sunny room, it’s a good idea to rotate it periodically to ensure that all areas of the rug are exposed to the same amount of sunlight, reducing the risk of uneven fading.

Wrap Up!

If your Persian rug is also experiencing such issues and you are looking to clean it, you should contact Hagop Manoyan. We provide rug maintenance and restoration services. Our professional rug restorers will be able to assess the damage and restore your rug to its original condition. We use only the highest quality materials and techniques to ensure the rug looks its best. Contact us today to learn more.

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