Excellent Antique Rugs Gallery in New York

The suggestion of an Antique Rugs and Carpets Gallery in New York brings to mind top of the line rugs and that is exactly what you should expect. Many antique rugs have been in circulation for a historically long period of time but you would never guess it by looking at them and truth be told, that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Weather you are looking for Authentic Persian Rugs or a rug from a different region like Anatolian Rugs, Hagop Manoyan has a diverse group of antique rugs in his office-gallery. Contact Hagop today for Live Tour!

Just because a rug is an antique doesn’t mean it has to look a day older than new. Hagop Manoyan takes pride in offering every customer authentic antique rugs that are beautifully cared for and kept in excellent condition. Whether you’re in town for the gallery for a weekend or stay in New York, you owe it to yourself especially if you are an antique enthusiast to get to the gallery and see just what all the fuss is about.

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